Homeopathy is one of the most leading and reliable branch of medicine in today’s era as it can cure many diseases without any side effects with quite surety and with rapid relief .
Homoeopathy is totally based of nature’s principle
Homoeopathy is totally based of nature’s principle
“similia similibus curanter “
Let like be cured by like
We can find the basics of homoeopathy in almost all old literatures including ‘Charak Sanhita’ of India with different names but all such uses of this principle were found either unintentionally or without any scientific proofs.
Let like be cured by like
We can find the basics of homoeopathy in almost all old literatures including ‘Charak Sanhita’ of India with different names but all such uses of this principle were found either unintentionally or without any scientific proofs.
In 18th century Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was practicing medical science in which he had seen the hazardous way of practicing . Patients were getting more agony rather than getting cured. He went through the fact that patients were coming again and again either with same disease or with some other deeper disease. Scientist and other medical professionals were trying to find out the reasoning and solutions but the most basic problem is all considered man as a machine. They missed the vitality and self healing capacities of man.
Looking at such situations Dr. Hahnemann left the practice and started doing translations of different books of medicine & material medica. While translating William Cullen’s materia medica , he came across one statement that “CINCHONA CAN CURE MALARIA BECAUSE IT IS BITTER ” . Dr,Hahnemann was not convinced with this statement and so to get the proof he started taking juice of cinchona bark daily & with his surprise after some days he had almost all symptoms which were quite malaria like. He had seen the same effect on many other s as well . so at last he came to conclusion that
This incidence in 1790 leads him to experiment more and more. He worked a lot along with various colleagues for 6 years and finally in the year 1796 he gave article on homoeopathy and with that homoeopathy was brought into existence.
Homoeopathy is based on quite fundamental laws and principles. Each law and principles are not just true to the time but they are based on universal truths which are quite eternal. All these laws and principles are making a clear platform to practice.
All those laws and principles will be explained in detail later in this site but conclusively according to me,
All those laws and principles will be explained in detail later in this site but conclusively according to me,
Dynamism, holism & individualization these 3 things are forming an ethics of the practicing classical homeopathy.
Dynamism -
Human being is having – life energy within which has been given different names as soul , aatma , yin & yang etc. in different customaries and religions but the ultimate truth is humans are expression of the universal energy and that qualitative force or dynamicity makes a transformation of the body into the living being.
Everyone has been given with a free flowing energy flow which makes human alive & healthy.
Dr. Hahnemann gave the name to that dynamic energy as “ vital force “ as it is the most vital thing for one.
Disease is nothing but actually a qualitative derangement of this vitality which makes a person dis-ease. i.e. not at ease. All signs and symptoms are nothing but just the expression of this disturbed vital force.
Human being is having – life energy within which has been given different names as soul , aatma , yin & yang etc. in different customaries and religions but the ultimate truth is humans are expression of the universal energy and that qualitative force or dynamicity makes a transformation of the body into the living being.
Everyone has been given with a free flowing energy flow which makes human alive & healthy.
Dr. Hahnemann gave the name to that dynamic energy as “ vital force “ as it is the most vital thing for one.
Disease is nothing but actually a qualitative derangement of this vitality which makes a person dis-ease. i.e. not at ease. All signs and symptoms are nothing but just the expression of this disturbed vital force.
Holism –
Man has evolved in the womb from the single cell so, al though human body is divided into different parts but actually they all are the same and speak the same language. Mind and body both are not separated entities but they both are also interwoven.
In short human body works as a single unit …so when there is disease the whole unit should be seen not just the part which is giving the symptoms.
Man has evolved in the womb from the single cell so, al though human body is divided into different parts but actually they all are the same and speak the same language. Mind and body both are not separated entities but they both are also interwoven.
In short human body works as a single unit …so when there is disease the whole unit should be seen not just the part which is giving the symptoms.
Individualization –
Everyone in the word is the different entity. Right from the face every body’s mental attitudes, mentalities are differing from each other. Every one is having different genetic background, everyone is differing in their likes and dislikes, everyone is having their different sensitivities in the same way disease happening to everybody are also different. But in other sciences of medicine it is the name of disease which decides the medicine , here in homoeopathy as whole a picture of a patient decides the name of the medicine. How one person who got headache due to over reading can get the same medicine which is given to the person with the headache because of sunstroke.
In homoeopathy there is a tailor- made approach.Each and every person can get different medicine as his whole picture is ..and this is the reason homoeopathy works rapidly as well as accurately.
Everyone in the word is the different entity. Right from the face every body’s mental attitudes, mentalities are differing from each other. Every one is having different genetic background, everyone is differing in their likes and dislikes, everyone is having their different sensitivities in the same way disease happening to everybody are also different. But in other sciences of medicine it is the name of disease which decides the medicine , here in homoeopathy as whole a picture of a patient decides the name of the medicine. How one person who got headache due to over reading can get the same medicine which is given to the person with the headache because of sunstroke.
In homoeopathy there is a tailor- made approach.Each and every person can get different medicine as his whole picture is ..and this is the reason homoeopathy works rapidly as well as accurately.
Homoeopathy has travelled much long distance today and has reach at a position that It can be used as a mainstream medicine for all sorts of diseases ..even when disease seem to be incurable and irreversible homoeopathy can serve most efficiently.
Homoeopathy is much scientific and it is the only branch which covers all four aspects given by WHO. In its definition of health. Homoeopathy has ability to bring the qualitative change in one’s life & can make the life balanced with awareness. It can simply create symptomatic relief but apart from that gives mental, social and spiritually balanced life.
Health is all about experiencing life within & homoeopathy is one of the best instruments to help in experiencing life.
Filed Under (About Homoeopathy) by Parth